As an industry leader, NOVOMATIC Italia aims to raise its standards for social and environmental responsibility. In CR activities, we focus on strategic pillars that contribute to our vision: to be the most innovative and reliable provider of responsible entertainment worldwide.
Our Strategic Fields of Action
Responsible business management focuses on full compliance with current legislation on public gaming. This is followed by the support of cultural, scientific and sports activities, which are accompanied by many daily actions of social innovation, responsibility in every branch of the business, and the dissemination of the corporate culture among employees, the mainstay of our organisation.
The Responsible Gaming programmes and activities, which were initially created in compliance with the legal obligations related to the activities of the concessionaire for amusement machines, ADMIRAL Gaming Network (AGN), have been extended to all legal entities and organisational units, differentiating themselves according to the declination of the business and strengthening themselves thanks to the continuous work of comparison with experts that involves the Group at 360°. Our framework on Responsible Gaming is the result of years of study and in-depth analysis on the subject, to which the academic world and the proximity with third sector realities committed to the prevention of gaming addictions contribute.

NOVOMATIC considers transparency to be a fundamental value and regularly engages in dialogue with its stakeholders to provide and receive information on key ESG issues.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) management at NOVOMATIC is based on the Group's five strategic pillars: Responsible entertainment, Always compliant, Enjoy working with us, Going green and Active in the Community.
Structured development, management and performance measurement are ensured by corporate responsibility principles defined within the strategy and principles of Corporate Responsibility, as well as Group guidelines, a system of Group-wide key performance indicators and the active involvement of all third parties with which the organisation comes into contact in various capacities.
Our employees, our most precious capital, represent a multiplier tool of our values, and are the first active communication channel for transmitting the social and environmental impact of the Group's initiatives.

Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all UN member states in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At the heart of it are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which represent an urgent call to action by all countries to take action for sustainability.
At NOVOMATIC we actively pursue these goals and consider it our responsibility to work for a better future. The SDGs are important guidelines and influence our actions and decisions. We are proud to contribute to environmental protection and a more sustainable world.

Responsible Gaming: G4
A key role in our Corporate Responsibility strategies is played by Responsible Gaming. To this end, in 2022, NOVOMATIC Italia obtained the international G4 (Global Gambling Guidance Group) certification, which attests to its commitment to protecting consumers in the field of Responsible Gaming.
NOVOMATIC Italia is the first company in Italy to obtain certification for its network of venues: the certified companies are in fact, in addition to the holding company, the ADMIRAL Gaming Network concessionaire, and the ALLSTAR and ALP companies, which manage over 300 ADMIRAL and Le Palme by ADMIRAL branded outlets in Italy.
Contacts and Downloads
Need more information about our activities? Have a look at the Annual Report 2022, produced by the holding company NOVOMATIC AG, or the document Our ESG Path by NOVOMATIC Italy.
CR Newsletters are available at this link
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