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All Star in the vanguard for Quality

Corporate Responsibility -

Last year was characterized by certification activities for all the subsidiaries of NOVOMATIC Italia group. A special commitment has seen the company Allstar as a protagonist, particularly active by years in this sense and constantly in step with the new trends in Quality management. A genuinely important result for the Group's retail company, which has the largest number of employees and the most consistent presence in terms of gaming facilities in Italy.

Let's look the details of the three certifications listed:

The ISO 9001 Quality Management System is the most famous internationally reference standard,  recognized for the management and improvement of Quality; a "must have" for any organization that wants to respond simultaneously to both the need to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of internal processes, as an organizational tool to achieve its goals, as well to the growing competitiveness in the markets through the improvement of customer's satisfaction and loyalty. The primary purpose of ISO 9001 is in fact the pursuit of customer satisfaction with regard to products and services provided, as well as the continuous improvement of business performance. So the certification is an assurance to the customer of the maintenance and improvement over time of its goods and services's qualities.

ISO 14001 is recognised as the standard for the certification of the Environmental Management System for companies of all size. Based on the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" methodology, it provides a systematic framework for the integration of environment protection practices, achieved through an environmental analysis with the aim of achieving a deep understanding of environmental aspects. The major purposes are to reduce the amount of waste, energy consumption and materials, so as to drastically reduce pollution rates. Allstar has demonstrated its commitment to the environment by first organizing  into its clubs energy analyses in order to reducing  consumption, and then replacing both the external signs and internal lights at with low consumption LEDs.

Guaranteeing the health and safety of workers is then the aim of the OHSAS 18001 standard. Designed to obtain an efficient management system for risk prevention, it allows the implementation of an instantaneous control of the same and to constantly increase safety and health in the workplace. The 18001 represents an organizational tool capable of organically and systematically manage workers safety, without upsetting the company's organizational structure, focusing rather on the adoption of an effective policy for the safety management. Identify possible dangers, assess risks and control methods and aim, with the support of continuous training, to involve the entire staff by instructing them on all the measures to identify, prevent and manage possible accidental events.

The certifications obtained by Allstar fully reflects the commitment enshrined in the CR Report of the Austrian holding company NOVOMATIC AG. The ultimate goal is in fact to promote responsibility into business operations through multiple actions, such as the reduction of emissions and waste, the creation of safe and healthy working conditions, the prevention of accidents and diseases, or the compliance with different countries's regulation within the guidelines of the ISO 26000 standard, to which NOVOMATIC Italia adhered, helping in this way to build a unique framework for the Group in the world.


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