NOVOMATIC adopts the Manifesto of Responsible Communication and Marketing

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Responsibility in Marketing and Communication initiative is the core of the commitment to maintain the  highest ethical and business integrity standards of the NOVOMATIC Group in Italy. For this reason, according to NOVOMATIC AG mission, NOVOMATIC Italia has adopted a communication compliance tool, a vehicle to promote vision among stakeholders and institutions that is a precise commitment towards the declination of the principles that inspire the communication of the entire Group in Italy to consolidate the external image of NOVOMATIC according to consisten its mission in the Italian gaming market.

With the Manifesto, NOVOMATIC will respect the rules of responsible communication and information in the industrial world: not just a proclamation but a philosophy aimed at improving interaction with customers and relations with the public, through a specifically designed advertising strategy not only to promote responsible gaming, but also to actively distance itself from attractive customers by presenting them with the prospect of winning or underestimating the risks associated with compulsive gaming habits.

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