NOVOMATIC obtains the Rating of Legality: Ethics and Responsibility at the center

Company -

NOVOMATIC Italia has just obtained from the Antitrust Authority (AGCM) the Rating of legality: an ethical rating for Italian companies, born in 2012. It is an instrument designed to promote ethical principles in business conduct in implementation of Decree Law no. 29 of 24 March 2012, in connection with the Justice Ministry and the Internal Affairs, for companies operating in the country with a turnover of more than 2 million euros.

"This is the first time that the Group has asked for and obtained such recognition in our country - commented Chairman Franco Sergio Rota, who is responsible for all Corporate Responsibility activities - The rating has a two-years duration and the double star obtained is only a starting point for us: a driving force for the growth of CSR initiatives and for a growing empathy with the territories and social fabrics in which we operate".

The achievement of such a result is taken into account, in fact, not only from the point of view of recognition of the ethical values supported by the company, but also when accessing bank credit, the denial of which must be motivated by a note to the Bank of Italy. The rating has a range between a minimum of one "star" to a maximum of three "stars", assigned by the Authority on the basis of the company declarations verified through cross-checks with the data in the possession of the public administrations concerned. NOVOMATIC has obtained two stars in particular for the adoption of organizational systems of regulatory compliance and initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In fact, for the AGCM it is essential for companies to be aware of and improve the impact of their presence both in the social context and from the environmental point of view: respect for legal content and protocols signed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs; adoption of an organizational structure compliant with Legislative Decree 231, passing through the strict control of suppliers about mafia infiltration, adherence to the codes of self-regulation of trade associations and the organizational models oriented to the prevention and the contrast of the corruption.

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