Corporate Responsibility -
Violence against women is a real and increasingly dramatic problem for those who suffer it. This is why WOMEN RUN THE SHOW was born, the first social responsibility project created by Samsung in collaboration with Leo Burnett and Telefono Rosa and under the patronage of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, to support the psychological recovery of women and facilitate their reintegration into the community and the world of work and raise awareness to combat physical and psychological violence, both inside and outside the home.
The project involved 10 women throughout Italy, ready to be reborn and become a winning example for millions of other who have lived a similar experience. These women were accompanied in a motivational process of personalized and certified training that allowed them to rediscover the self-esteem and the strength to reintegrate into society to acquire skills in accordance with their real attitudes and predispositions and with the demands of the market, helping the realization of their potential and job opportunities.
In addition to the training courses, concrete support was offered in all practical activities, such as baby-sitting during attendance at the courses, payment of the home rent and utilities. NOVOMATIC Italia, as part of its corporate responsibility program and always committed to projects of high social value, offered its support to Telefono Rosa and Samsung throughout the phase of professional training courses. At the end of the training phase, the ten women were involved by a production company in the creation of an awareness spot on violence entitled "Words", the first spot by Telefono Rosa and Samsung, directed by Flavia and Maria Sole Tognazzi.